Anders Lundskog

Infineon Technologies Austria AG
  • 5b.3 Effect of Carbon Doping on the Voltage-Blocking Properties of AlN/AlGaN/GaN Heterostructures

    Martin Huber, Infineon Technologies Austria AG
    Ingo Daumiller, Infineon Technologies Austria AG
    Andrei Andreev, Infineon Technologies Austria AG
    Marco Silvestri, Infineon Technologies Austria AG
    Lauri Knuuttila, Infineon Technologies Austria AG
    Michael Wahl, IFOS Institut fuer Oberflaechen- und Schichtanalytik GmbH
    Michael Kopnarski, IFOS Institut fuer Oberflaechen- und Schichtanalytik GmbH
    Alberta Bonanni, Johannes Kepler University Linz
    Anders Lundskog, Infineon Technologies Austria AG
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