B. P. Downey
40 nm T-Gate Process Development using ZEP Reflow
D. J. MeyerB. P. DowneyR. Bass, Naval Research LaboratoryD. S. Katzer -
8.3.2023 Heterogeneous Integration of Gallium Nitride HEMTs with Single Crystal Diamond Substrates via Micro-transfer Printing for Thermal Management
James Spencer Lundh, National Research Council Postdoctoral Fellow, Residing at NRLAndy Xie, QorvoShawn Mack, U.S. Naval Research LaboratoryD. Scott Katzer, U.S. Naval Research LaboratoryMarko J. Tadjer, U.S. Naval Research LaboratoryTravis J. Anderson, U.S. Naval Research LaboratoryBrian Downey, US Naval Research LaboratoryDavid J Meyer, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC