R. D. Dupuis
Georgia Institute of Technology
Homojunction GaN p-i-n Rectifiers with Ultra-low On-state Resistance
T.-T. Kao*, Student Presentation Georgia Institute of TechnologyJ. Kim, Student Presentation Georgia Institute of TechnologyY.-C. Lee, Student Presentation Georgia Institute of TechnologyM.-H. Ji, Student Presentation Georgia Institute of TechnologyT. Detchprohm, Student Presentation Georgia Institute of TechnologyR. D. Dupuis, Georgia Institute of Technology - Edge Termination Engineering with Shallow Bevel Mesas for Low-Leakage Vertical GaN-based p-i-n Avalanche Photodiode
Zhiyu Xu, Georgia Institute of Technology,Theeradetch Detchprohm, Georgia Institute of TechnologyShyh-Chiang Shen, Georgia Institute of TechnologyA. Nepomuk Otte, Georgia Institute of TechnologyRussell D. Dupuis, Georgia Institute of Technology