Wei-Hung Kuo
Industrial Technology Research Institute
Novel of Normally-off GaN HEMT Device Structure by Using Nano-rods Technology
Chwan-Ying Lee, Electronics and OptoElectronics Research Laboratories (EOL), ITRYoung-Shying Chen, Electronics and OptoElectronics Research Laboratories (EOL), ITRLurng-Shehng Lee, Electronics and OptoElectronics Research Laboratories (EOL), ITRChien-Chung Hung, Electronics and OptoElectronics Research Laboratories (EOL), ITRCheng-Tyng Yen, Electronics and OptoElectronics Research Laboratories (EOL), ITRSuh-Fang Lin, Electronics and OptoElectronics Research Laboratories (EOL), ITRRong Xuan, Technology Development Division, Episil-Precision Inc, TaiwanWei-Hung Kuo, Industrial Technology Research InstituteTzu-Kun Ku, Electronics and OptoElectronics Research Laboratories (EOL), ITR