L. Bathurst

Crystal Sonic Inc.
  • 11.6.2023 Sonic Lift-off (SLO) to Enable Substrate Reuse and Lower Manufacturing Cost

    P. GuimerĂ¡ Coll, Crystal Sonic Inc.
    T. Black, Crystal Sonic Inc.
    A.P. Merkle, Crystal Sonic Inc.
    L. Bathurst, Crystal Sonic Inc.
    M. Bertoni, Crystal Sonic Inc.

    11.6.2023_Coll_Paper_Sonic Lift-off (SLO) to Enable Substrate Reuse and Lower Manufacturing Cost

  • Sonic Lift-off (SLO) to Enable Substrate Reuse of Bulk GaN and SiC Substrates

    P. GuimerĂ¡ Coll, Crystal Sonic Inc.
    T. Black, Crystal Sonic Inc.
    J. Abraham, Crystal Sonic Inc.
    S. Kamishetty, Crystal Sonic Inc.
    A.P. Merkle, Crystal Sonic Inc.
    L. Bathurst, Crystal Sonic Inc.
    M. Bertoni, Crystal Sonic Inc.
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