P. Fay
University of Notre Dame
5.5.2021 Temperature Dependent Measurement of GaN Impact Ionization Coefficients
L. Cao, University of Notre DameZ. Zhu, University of Notre DameG. Harden, University of Notre DameH. Ye, University of Notre DameJ. Wang, University of Notre DameA. Hoffman, University of Notre DameP. Fay, University of Notre DameDownload PaperLoading...
- Design, Fabrication, and Characterization of GaN-Based Single Drift Region IMPATT Diodes
Z. Zhu, University of Notre DameLina Cao, Keysight TechnologiesYu Duan, University of Notre DameWesley Turner, University of Notre DameJinqiao Xie, Qorvo IncPatrick Fay, University of Notre DameLoading...