James Gallagher

U.S. Naval Research Laboratory
  • Predicting Vertical GaN Diode Quality using Long Range Optical tests on Substrates

    Francis Kub, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory
    James Gallagher, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory
    Andrew Koehler, U. S. Naval Research Laboratory
    Mona Ebrish, NRC Postdoc Fellow Residing at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory
    Michael Mastro, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory
    Jennifer Hite, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory
    Karl Holbart, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory

    It is well known that vertical GaN devices could surpass current lateral GaN switch technology due to higher critical electric fields and higher breakdown voltages from its different geometry, and lower impurity concentration from the superior quality of homoepitaxial films. However, the inconsistency of GaN substrate properties, both within wafer and vendor-to-vendor, makes reliable device fabrication difficult. Here we implement long-range spectroscopic studies of GaN substrates and epitaxial wafers using Raman, photoluminescence, and optical profilometry to assess incoming material and correlate to electrical performance of vertical diodes. We have classified incoming wafers into two general types, and determined that inhomogeneities in the wafers can negatively affect the reverse leakage current of PiN diodes.

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  • 9.4.2023 Scalable Manufacturing of Planar, Large-Area 1.2kV and 3.3kV Vertical GaN PiN Diodes

    Alan Jacobs, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory
    Mona Ebrish, NRC Postdoc Fellow Residing at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory
    James Gallagher, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory
    Marko J. Tadjer, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory
    James Spencer Lundh, National Research Council Postdoctoral Fellow, Residing at NRL
    Jennifer K. Hite, Naval Research Laboratory
    N. Mahadik, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory
    Robert Kaplar, Sandia National Labs, Albuquerque, NM
    O. Aktas, Sandia National Labs, Albuquerque, NM


  • 10.5.2023 Accuracy of Machine Learning Models on Predicting the Properties of Vertical GaN Diodes

    James Gallagher, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory
    Michael A. Mastro, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory
    Mona Ebrish, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN
    Alan Jacobs, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory
    Brendan. P. Gunning, Sandia National Labs, Albuquerque, NM
    Robert Kaplar, Sandia National Labs, Albuquerque, NM


  • 11.3.2023 Structural and Electrical Characterization of Schottky Barrier Diodes on 100 mm HVPE β-Ga2O3 Epiwafer Technology

    Marko J. Tadjer, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory
    James Gallagher, ASEE Postdoctoral Fellow Residing at NRL
    N. Mahadik, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory
    Hannah N. Masten, National Research Council Postdoctoral Fellow, Residing at NRL
    James Spencer Lundh, National Research Council Postdoctoral Fellow, Residing at NRL
    Akito Kuramata, Novel Crystal Technology, Inc

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