Lee McCarthy

Transphorm Inc.
  • Manufacturing of N-polar GaN on Sapphire Epitaxial Wafers for Millimeter-wave Electronics Applications

    Umesh Mishra, Transphorm also Dean of Engineering UCSB
    Xiang Liu, Transphorm Inc.
    Ron Birkhahn, Transphorm Inc.
    Stacia Keller, Transphorm Inc.
    Brian Swenson, Transphorm Inc.
    Lee McCarthy, Transphorm Inc.
    Davide Bisi, Transphorm Inc.

    Transphorm is supplying N-polar GaN on SiC and sapphire epitaxial wafers for customers developing ultra-high performance RF and mm-wave electronics devices. The manufacturing process is SPC controlled and DOE optimized, and the wafers exhibit very high 2DEG electron mobility and excellent thickness and Rsh uniformities.

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  • 2.3.2021 Commercial N-polar GaN on SiC HEMT Epitaxial Wafers Manufactured by MOCVD for 5G mm-Wave Applications

    Xiang Liu, Transphorm Inc.,
    Brian Romanczyk, Transphorm Inc.
    Stacia Keller, Transphorm Inc.
    Brian Swenson, Transphorm Inc.
    Ron Birkhahn, Transphorm Inc.
    Geetak Gupta, Transphorm Inc.
    Davide Bisi, Transphorm Inc.
    Umesh Mishra, Transphorm also Dean of Engineering UCSB
    Lee McCarthy, Transphorm Inc.
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