M. Marx
8.1.2021 Demonstration of High-quality GaN Epitaxy on 200 mm Engineered Substrates for Vertical Power Device Fabrication
K. Geens, imec,H. Hahn, AIXTRON SEH. Liang, imec,M. Borga, imecD. Cingu, imecS. You, imecM. Marx, AIXTRON SER. Oligschlaeger, AIXTRON SED. Fahle, AIXTRON SEM. Heuken, AIXTRON SEV. Odnoblyudov, Qromis, inc.O. Aktas, Qromis, Inc.C. Basceri, Qromis, Inc.S. Decoutere, imecDownload PaperLoading...
7.5.2023 Improving the yield for GaN-on-Si HEMT devices for power applications
D. Fahle, AIXTRON SE GermanyC. Mauder, AIXTRON SEH. Hahn, AIXTRON SEZ. Gao, AIXTRON SENiels Posthuma, ImecStefaan Decoutere, Imec, Leuven, Belgium